Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor.Overlays



Attribute used to register a class as an overlay.

Overlay must derive from the Overlay class.


defaultDisplaySet this value to true to ensure that the target Overlay will be shown when a new instance of the EditorWindow type is instantiated.
defaultDockIndexSet the defaultDockIndex to define where in a DockZone an Overlay is placed.
defaultDockPositionSet defaultDockPosition to define the default alignment for a newly instantiated Overlay.
defaultDockZoneUse defaultDockZone to set the default location for an Overlay when it is made visible for the first time in a new EditorWindow.
defaultHeightSet defaultHeight to define the height of an Overlay when it is created for the first time.
defaultLayoutSet defaultLayout to define the Layout for an Overlay when it is created for the first time.
defaultWidthSet defaultWidth to define the width of an Overlay when it is created for the first time.
displayNameDefines what the display name of the overlay will be.
editorWindowTypeDefines which EditorWindow type the overlay is used in.
idDefines the unique identifier used to identify the overlay.
ussNameName of the overlay's root visual element.


OverlayAttributeAttribute used to register a class as an Overlay.
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