Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語


public static long GetTotalFragmentationInfo (NativeArray<int> stats);


stats An array to receive the count of free blocks grouped by power of two sizes. Given a small array, Unity counts the larger free blocks together in the final array element.


long Returns the total number of free blocks in the dynamic heap.


Returns heap memory fragmentation information.

Heap fragmentation is a measure of how much space is potentially unusable in the dynamic heap. If your application has too much heap fragmentation it can lead to memory allocation failures.

There might be more total free memory than your application needs for an allocation, but because this free memory is composed of two or more separate smaller memory blocks, then the allocation might fail.

Some memory usage patterns at runtime can cause the number of free blocks to grow over time, which results in fragmentation of the heap.

As an example, consider when Unity frees a large allocation, a single large free block is returned to the heap. This large free block could then later be used to satisfy many more smaller allocations if no smaller blocks are available.

If all these small allocations other than a single allocation in the middle of this block are freed, then the heap now has two smaller free blocks either side of the single remaining allocation. A new allocation of the original large size might fail if there are no larger blocks available to use.

As Unity dynamically allocates and frees memory, it manages the heap area by keeping track of free memory blocks. Internally, Unity groups these free memory blocks into lists of similar sizes - grouped in power of two sizes, between one power of two and the next, specifically [ (2^n) .. (2^(n+1) - 1) ].

e.g. blocks of sizes [1], [2..3], [4..7], [8..15], [16..31], [32..63], [64..127], [128..256] ... bytes.

This design gives quick and constant time allocator performance for all allocations regardless of allocation size or heap capacity.

You can use Profiler.GetTotalFragmentationInfo to keep track of the heap's free memory blocks over time.

using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { const int kFreeBlockPow2Buckets = 24;

void Update() { var freeStats = new NativeArray<int>(kFreeBlockPow2Buckets, Allocator.Temp); var freeBlocks = Profiler.GetTotalFragmentationInfo(freeStats);

Debug.Log(string.Format("Total Free Blocks: {0}", freeBlocks)); for (int i = 0; i < kFreeBlockPow2Buckets; i++) { Debug.Log(string.Format(" size[2^{0}] = {1} blocks", i, freeStats[i])); } } }
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