Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語
WebGL Introduction
WebGL graphics

WebGL browser compatibility

Unity’s WebGL support for desktop browsers differs depending on the browser. It supports browsers providing the following conditions are true:

  • The browser is WebGL 2 capable.
  • The browser is HTML 5 standards-compliant.
  • The browser is 64-bit and supports WebAssembly.

Unity WebGL doesn’t support mobile devices. It might work on high-end devices, but current devices are often not powerful and don’t have enough memory to support Unity WebGL content.

Unity WebGL supports some compressed texture formats. For information on the compressed texture formats that Unity WebGL supports, see Recommended, default, and supported texture compression formats, by platform.

Desktop Browser Desktop Platforms
Google Chrome Windows, macOS, Linux
Mozilla Firefox Windows, macOS, Linux
Apple Safari macOS
Microsoft Edge Windows, macOS, Linux


  • Unity WebGL also supports the latest version of the Chromium-based Edge browser.
  • Apple Safari doesn’t support WebGL 2 in versions before Safari 15.
  • Apple Safari doesn’t support IndexedDB for content running in an iFrame.
  • On Linux, you might have to install Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) codec support via a package manager (for example, the GStreamer package).

  • WebGL 1 deprecated from the Auto Graphics API list in 2022.1
  • Brotli 圧縮はマニュアル 5.6 で最初に記載
  • 2019.1 の最新の互換性情報に更新されました。
WebGL Introduction
WebGL graphics
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