Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine.AI



The NavMesh build markup allows you to control how certain objects are treated during the NavMesh build process, specifically when collecting sources for building.

You can override the area type or specify that certain objects should be excluded from collected sources. The markup can be applied hierarchically or to only the specified object. See Also: NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources.


applyToChildrenUse this to specify if the GameObject's children also use these markup settings.
areaThe area type to use when override area is enabled.
generateLinksUse this to specify whether the GameObject and its children should be included in the link generation process.
ignoreFromBuildUse this to specify whether the GameObject and its children should be ignored.
overrideAreaUse this to specify whether the area type of the GameObject and its children should be overridden by the area type specified in this struct.
overrideGenerateLinksUse this to specify whether the default links generation condition for the GameObject and its children should be overridden by the generateLinks option specified in this struct.
overrideIgnoreSet this to true in order to enable the ignoreFromBuild property.
rootUse this to specify which GameObject (including the GameObject’s children) the markup should be applied to.
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