Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing



Static class representing the Streaming Virtual Texturing system.

Static 関数

EnableMipPreloadingEnables mipmap level preloading used by Streaming Virtual Texturing.
GetCPUCacheSizeGets the CPU cache size (in MegaBytes) used by Streaming Virtual Texturing.
GetGPUCacheSettingsGets the GPU cache settings used by Streaming Virtual Texturing.
GetTextureStackSizeGets the width and height of a Virtual Texture Stack, in pixels.
RequestRegionMake a rectangle in UV space resident for a given Virtual Texture Stack.
SetCPUCacheSizeSets the CPU cache size (in MegaBytes) used by Streaming Virtual Texturing.
SetGPUCacheSettingsSets the GPU cache settings used by Streaming Virtual Texturing.
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