Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public static ushort GetCacheServerPort ();


ushort Returns the Port number of the Cache Server in Editor Settings. Returns 0 if Port number is not set in Editor Settings.


Gets the Port number of the Cache Server in Editor Settings.

Note: If you set a new value for the Port number, your new settings are not applied until you call AssetDatabase.RefreshSettings(). However, this method will return the value you have set regardless of whether you have applied the setting or no.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class AssetDatabaseExamples : MonoBehaviour

{ [MenuItem("AssetDatabase/Debugging Connection to the Cache Server")] static void DebuggingConnectionToTheCacheServer() { //This will Enable Cache Server in Project Settings EditorSettings.cacheServerMode = CacheServerMode.Enabled; Debug.Log("Is Cache Server Enabled? - " + AssetDatabase.IsCacheServerEnabled());

var cacheServerIP = ""; ushort cacheServerPort = 10443;

if (AssetDatabase.IsConnectedToCacheServer() == false) { if (AssetDatabase.CanConnectToCacheServer(cacheServerIP, cacheServerPort) == false) { Debug.Log("Cache server is not available, check IP address and Port Number"); }

else { Debug.Log("Cache server is available, but not connected now. Set correct IP and Port Number in Project Settings"); } }

else { Debug.Log("Cache Server is connected"); Debug.Log("Cache Server IP: " + AssetDatabase.GetCacheServerAddress()); Debug.Log("Cache Server Port Number: " + AssetDatabase.GetCacheServerPort()); } } }
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