Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine



A 2D Rectangle defined by x, y, width, height with integers.


allPositionsWithinA RectInt.PositionCollection that contains all positions within the RectInt.
centerCenter coordinate of the rectangle.
heightHeight of the rectangle.
maxThe upper right corner of the rectangle; which is the maximal position of the rectangle along the x- and y-axes, when it is aligned to both axes.
minThe lower left corner of the rectangle; which is the minimal position of the rectangle along the x- and y-axes, when it is aligned to both axes.
positionReturns the position (x, y) of the RectInt.
sizeReturns the width and height of the RectInt.
widthWidth of the rectangle.
xLeft coordinate of the rectangle.
xMaxShows the maximum X value of the RectInt.
xMinShows the minimum X value of the RectInt.
yTop coordinate of the rectangle.
yMaxShows the maximum Y value of the RectInt.
yMinShow the minimum Y value of the RectInt.


RectIntCreates a new RectInt.

Public 関数

ClampToBoundsClamps the position and size of the RectInt to the given bounds.
ContainsReturns true if the given position is within the RectInt.
EqualsReturns true if the given RectInt is equal to this RectInt.
OverlapsRectInts overlap if each RectInt Contains a shared point.
SetMinMaxSets the bounds to the min and max value of the rect.
ToStringReturns the x, y, width and height of the RectInt.
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