Version: 2017.1
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering

매뉴얼로 전환


Parameters controlling culling process in CullResults.

Typical use case is to compute culling parameters from Camera data, see CullResults.GetCullingParameters.


cullingMaskLayer mask used for culling.
cullingMatrixWorld to clip space matrix.
cullingPlaneCountNumber of culling planes to use.
isOrthographicTrue if camera is orthographic (this affects LOD culling).
lodParameters LODGroup culling parameters.
positionCamera position.
reflectionProbeSortOptionsVisible reflection probes sorting options.
shadowDistanceRealtime shadows distance.

Public 함수

GetCullingPlaneGet a culling plane.
GetLayerCullDistanceGet per-layer culling distance.
SetCullingPlaneSet a culling plane.
SetLayerCullDistanceSet per-layer culling distance.
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