Version: 2017.2


class in UnityEngine.Networking

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Defines global paramters for network library.

The NetworkManager has a GlobalConfig instance ( NetworkManager.globalConfig ) that is used to configure the network when started by the NetworkManager.

Some of the attributes of this instance can be modified from the NetworkManager inspector UI in the editor.


MaxHostsDefines how many hosts you can use. Default Value = 16. Max value = 128.
MaxNetSimulatorTimeoutDeprecated. Defines maximum delay for network simulator. See Also: MaxTimerTimeout.
MaxPacketSizeDefines maximum possible packet size in bytes for all network connections.
MaxTimerTimeoutDefines the maximum timeout in milliseconds for any configuration. The default value is 12 seconds (12000ms).
MinNetSimulatorTimeoutDeprecated. Defines the minimal timeout for network simulator. You cannot set up any delay less than this value. See Also: MinTimerTimeout.
MinTimerTimeoutDefines the minimum timeout in milliseconds recognised by the system. The default value is 1 ms.
ReactorMaximumReceivedMessagesThis property determines the initial size of the queue that holds messages received by Unity Multiplayer before they are processed.
ReactorMaximumSentMessagesDefines the initial size of the send queue. Messages are placed in this queue ready to be sent in packets to their destination.
ReactorModelDefines reactor model for the network library.
ThreadAwakeTimeoutDefines (1) for select reactor, minimum time period, when system will check if there are any messages for send (2) for fixrate reactor, minimum interval of time, when system will check for sending and receiving messages.
ThreadPoolSizeDefines how many worker threads are available to handle incoming and outgoing messages.


GlobalConfigCreate new global config object.
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