Version: 2017.3
public static float Round (float f);


Returns f rounded to the nearest integer.

If the number ends in .5 so it is halfway between two integers, one of which is even and the other odd, the even number is returned.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start() { // Prints 10 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(10.0f));

// Prints 10 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(10.2f));

// Prints 11 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(10.7f));

// Prints 10 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(10.5f));

// Prints 12 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(11.5f));

// Prints -10 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(-10.0f));

// Prints -10 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(-10.2f));

// Prints -11 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(-10.7f));

// Prints -10 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(-10.5f));

// Prints -12 Debug.Log(Mathf.Round(-11.5f)); } }
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