struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR
매뉴얼로 전환Structure describing a bounded plane representing a real-world surface.
Unlike a Plane, which is infinite, a BoundedPlane has a size and a more detailed shape. A BoundedPlane can change from frame to frame (see XRPlaneSubsystem.PlaneUpdated). Typically, this means the current understanding of the plane has changed, rather than the real-world geometry. This can happen as the device explores the physical space and is able to perceive more detail.
Alignment | The alignment of the plane, e.g., horizontal or vertical. |
Center | Center point of the plane in device space. |
Height | Current height of the plane. |
Id | A session-unique identifier for the plane. |
Normal | Normal vector of the plane in device space. |
Plane | Returns the infinite Plane associated with this BoundedPlane. |
Pose | Pose of the plane in device space. |
Size | Current size of the plane. |
SubsumedById | A session-unique identifier for the BoundedPlane that subsumed this plane. |
Width | Current width of the plane. |
GetCorners | Outputs four points, in device space, representing the four corners of the plane. The corners are in clockwise order. |
TryGetBoundary | Try to retrieve a list of positions in device space describing current plane boundary. |