Method group is Obsolete


매뉴얼로 전환
Obsolete public HashSet<NetworkInstanceId> clientOwnedObjects ;


A list of the NetworkIdentity objects owned by this connection.

This includes the player object for the connection - if it has localPlayerAutority set, and any objects spawned with local authority or set with AssignLocalAuthority. This list is read only.

This list can be used to validate messages from clients, to ensure that clients are only trying to control objects that they own.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Handler { static public void HandleTransform(NetworkMessage netMsg) { NetworkInstanceId netId = netMsg.reader.ReadNetworkId(); GameObject foundObj = NetworkServer.FindLocalObject(netId); if (foundObj == null) { return; } NetworkTransform foundSync = foundObj.GetComponent<NetworkTransform>(); if (foundSync == null) { return; } if (!foundSync.localPlayerAuthority) { return; }

if (netMsg.conn.clientOwnedObjects.Contains(netId)) { // process message } else { // error } } }
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