public void SetPath (int index, Vector2[] points);


indexIndex of the path to set.
pointsAn ordered array of the vertices (points) that define the path.


Define a path by its constituent points.

A path is a cyclic sequence of line segments between points that define the outline of the polygon. Because the polygon can have holes and discontinuous parts, its shape is not necessarily defined by a single path. For example, the polygon might actually be 3 separate paths. In this case SetPath will be called 3 times, with an index of 0, 1 and 2. So index specifies which of these three collections of points are used.

See Also: pathCount, GetPath.


indexIndex of the path to set.
pointsAn ordered list of the vertices (points) that define the path.


Define a path by its constituent points.

A path is a cyclic sequence of line segments between points that define the outline of the polygon. Because the polygon can have holes and discontinuous parts, its shape is not necessarily defined by a single path. For example, the polygon might actually be 3 separate paths. In this case SetPath will be called 3 times, with an index of 0, 1 and 2. So index specifies which of these three collections of points are used.

See Also: pathCount, GetPath.

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