Utility Object that contructs a set of selection rules to be ran on a root visual element.
UQueryBuilder_1 | Initializes a QueryBuilder. |
Active | Selects all elements that are active. |
AtIndex | Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().AtIndex(). |
Build | Compiles the selection rules into a QueryState object. |
Checked | Selects all elements that are checked. |
Children | Selects all direct child elements of elements matching the previous rules. |
Class | Selects all elements with the given class. Not to be confused with Type (see OfType<>()). |
Descendents | Selects all elements that are descendants of currently matching ancestors. |
Enabled | Selects all elements that are enabled. |
First | Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().First(). |
Focused | Selects all elements that are enabled. |
ForEach | Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().ForEach(). |
Hovered | Selects all elements that are hovered. |
Last | Convenience overload, shorthand for Build().Last(). |
Name | Selects element with this name. |
NotActive | Selects all elements that are not active. |
NotChecked | Selects all elements that npot checked. |
NotEnabled | Selects all elements that are not enabled. |
NotFocused | Selects all elements that don't currently own the focus. |
NotHovered | Selects all elements that are not hovered. |
NotVisible | Selects all elements that are not visible. |
OfType | Selects all elements of the specified Type (eg: Label, Button, ScrollView, etc). |
ToList | Convenience method. shorthand for Build().ToList. |
Visible | Selects all elements that are visible. |
Where | Selects all elements satifying the predicate. |
operator != | Compare two QueryBuilder objects and return true if they are not equal. |
operator == | Compare two QueryBuilder objects and return true if they are equal. |