Version: 2020.3
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor

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This class is used for entries in the Scenes list, as displayed in the Build Settings window. This class contains the Scene path of a Scene and an enabled flag that indicates wether the Scene is enabled in the BuildSettings window or not.

You can use this class in combination with EditorBuildSettings.scenes to populate the list of Scenes included in the build via script. This is useful when creating custom editor scripts to automate your build pipeline.

See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example script.


enabledWhether this Scene is enabled in the Build Settings window or not. See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example of how to use this class.See Also: EditorBuildSettingsScene, EditorBuildSettings.scenes.
pathThe file path of the Scene as listed in the Editor Build Settings Scene list. See EditorBuildSettings.scenes for an example of how to use this class.See Also: EditorBuildSettingsScene, EditorBuildSettings.scenes.
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