Version: 2020.3
언어: 한국어
public static void Report (int id, float progress);
public static void Report (int id, float progress, string description);
public static void Report (int id, int currentStep, int totalSteps);
public static void Report (int id, int currentStep, int totalSteps, string description);


id The progress indicator's unique ID.
progress A new progress value between 0 and 1.
description An updated description of the progress indicator. If the the progress status has not changed, or you do not set a description, this is null. To clear the current progress description, pass an empty string such as "".
currentStep An updated current step.
totalSteps An updated total number of steps, from start to finish.


Reports a running progress indicator's current status.

When you report in steps, you can set the label for the steps with Progress.SetStepLabel. Note: Changes are applied on the next application tick unless you call this function from the main thread using a synchronous progress indicator (see Synchronous).

See Also: Progress.Report, Progress.GetProgress, Progress.GetDescription, Progress.SetDescription.

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