Version: 2021.3
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering

매뉴얼로 전환


Holds data of a visible reflection reflectionProbe.

After ScriptableRenderContext.Cull is done, CullingResults.visibleReflectionProbes will contain an array of reflection reflectionProbes that are visible. The visible reflection reflectionProbe structure contains packed information for most commonly used ReflectionProbe variables, and a VisibleReflectionProbe.probe reference to the component itself.

See Also: CullingResults.visibleReflectionProbes, ReflectionProbe.


blendDistanceProbe blending distance.
boundsProbe bounding box.
centerProbe projection center.
hdrDataShader data for probe HDR texture decoding.
importanceProbe importance.
isBoxProjectionShould probe use box projection.
localToWorldMatrixProbe transformation matrix.
reflectionProbeAccessor to ReflectionProbe component.
textureProbe texture.
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