Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어
public static void BeginVertical (params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static void BeginVertical (GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static void BeginVertical (string text, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static void BeginVertical (Texture image, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static void BeginVertical (GUIContent content, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);


text Text to display on group.
image Texture to display on group.
content Text, image, and tooltip for this group.
style The style to use for background image and padding values. If left out, the background is transparent.
options An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight, GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.


Begin a vertical control group.

All controls rendered inside this element will be placed vertically below each other. The group must be closed with a call to EndVertical.

Vertical Layout.

using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { void OnGUI() { // Starts a vertical group GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");

GUILayout.Button("I'm the top button"); GUILayout.Button("I'm the bottom button");

GUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
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