Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어



매뉴얼로 전환


Enum describing what lighting mode to be used with Mixed lights.

Summary of the baked data associated with each mode:

Lightmaps direct: no occlusion: no Light probes direct: no occlusion: no Shadowmask
Lightmaps direct: no occlusion: yes Light probes direct: no occlusion: yes Subtractive
Light maps direct: yes occlusion: no Light probes direct: no occlusion: yes


IndirectOnlyMixed lights provide real-time direct lighting while indirect light is baked into lightmaps and light probes.
ShadowmaskMixed lights provide real-time direct lighting. Indirect lighting gets baked into lightmaps and light probes. Shadowmasks and light probe occlusion get generated for baked shadows. The Shadowmask Mode used at run time can be set in the Quality Settings panel.
SubtractiveMixed lights provide baked direct and indirect lighting for static objects. Dynamic objects receive real-time direct lighting and cast shadows on static objects using the main directional light in the Scene.
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