Android applications declare what permissions they require in their Android App Manifest. This page explains how to manage permissions for an Android application. For a list of the possible permissions, refer to Manifest.permission.
다음 방법 중 하나를 사용하여 Android 앱 매니페스트 파일을 수정하고 권한을 관리할 수 있습니다.
Note: Depending on the Player Settings and Unity APIs that the application uses, Unity automatically adds some required permissions to the Unity Library Manifest. For more information, refer to Unity-handled permissions.
The simplest way to add new permissions for an application is to create a template Unity Library Manifest file and add the permissions to it.
For more information, refer to Create a template Unity Library Manifest file.
최종 Android 앱 매니페스트 파일에 있는 권한을 완전히 제어하려면 프로젝트를 익스포트하고 Android Studio에서 Android 앱 매니페스트를 편집합니다.
For more information, refer to Edit the Android App Manifest in Android Studio.