Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어
Cloud Build
Cloud Diagnostics

Cloud Code


Run your game logic in the cloud as serverless functions and interact with other backend services.

This package allows you to call out to Cloud Code from within your project as a secure player.

Cloud Code can be used to:
-Change game logic for all players without re-distributing your game
-Grant timed rewards
-Create randomized values

버전 정보

Unity용 릴리스

Package version 2.4.0 is released for Unity Editor version 2022.2.

Unity와의 호환성

These package versions are available in Unity version 2022.2:

문서 위치: 상태 이용 가능 버전: 릴리스 2.4.0
Cloud Build
Cloud Diagnostics
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