Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어
Default Scene view overlay reference
Position an overlay

Display or hide an overlay

To customize your workspace, choose which overlays display in the Scene view.

If you want to save your overlay configuration, refer to Create and manage overlay configurations.

Display or hide an overlay

To display or hide an overlay in the Scene view:

  1. In the Scene view, press the ` key to display the Overlays menu at your cursor.
  2. In the Overlays menu, select an overlay you want to display or hide in the Scene view. An overlay displayed in the Scene view has an eye icon next to it. If an overlay is hidden in the Scene view, the eye icon is crossed out.

Note: In the Overlays menu, hover over the name of an overlay to highlight its position in the Scene view.

Hide all overlays

To hide all overlays from the Scene view:

  1. In the Scene view, press the ` key to display the Overlays menu at your cursor.
  2. In the Overlays menu, clear the Overlays checkbox.

Tip: You can also press Shift+` to hide or display all overlays in the Scene view.

추가 리소스

Default Scene view overlay reference
Position an overlay
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