Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering

매뉴얼로 전환


A structure containing results of the culling operation performed by RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances.

Note that RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances has already added ray tracing instances to the acceleration structure based on input parameters.


materialsCRCAn array of Material CRC and instance id pairs generated by RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances when using RayTracingInstanceCullingFlags.ComputeMaterialsCRC flag.
transformsChangedThis property is true if a Renderer in the Scene changed its Transform during the last frame. Renderers that use Ray Tracing Mode Off are not taken into account.
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