Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어



매뉴얼로 전환


Select this to set basic parameters depending on the purpose of your texture.


DefaultThis is the most common setting used for all the textures in general.
NormalMapSelect this to turn the color channels into a format suitable for real-time normal mapping.
GUIUse this if your texture is going to be used on any HUD/GUI Controls.
SpriteSelect this if you will be using your texture for Sprite graphics.
CursorUse this if your texture is going to be used as a cursor.
CookieThis sets up your texture with the basic parameters used for the Cookies of your lights.
LightmapThis sets up your texture with the parameters used by the lightmap.
SingleChannelUse this for texture containing a single channel.
ShadowmaskUse this for textures that contain shadowmask data.
DirectionalLightmapUse this for textures that contain directional lightmap data.
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