Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어
Unity Logging
Unity Profiling Core API

Unity 피직스



Unity’s C# stateless physics library.

Built on top of the Unity C# DOTS framework, Unity Physics is network-ready, completely customizable, and built for performance out of the box. Whether you’re building the next mobile hit or a new networked multiplayer console experience, Unity Physics leverages the Burst compiler and Job system to scale across a range of hardware.

버전 정보

Unity용 릴리스

Package version 1.0.10 is released for Unity Editor version 2022.3.

Unity와의 호환성

These package versions are available in Unity version 2022.3:

문서 위치: 상태 이용 가능 버전:
com.unity.physics@1.0 릴리스 1.0.0-exp.8, 1.0.0-exp.12, 1.0.0-pre.15, 1.0.0-pre.44, 1.0.0-pre.65, 1.0.8, 1.0.10
com.unity.physics@0.51 호환 가능 0.51.0-preview.32, 0.51.1-preview.21
com.unity.physics@0.50 호환 가능 0.50.0-preview.24, 0.50.0-preview.43
com.unity.physics@0.6 호환 가능 0.6.0-preview.3
com.unity.physics@0.5 호환 가능 0.5.0-preview.1, 0.5.1-preview.2
com.unity.physics@0.4 호환 가능 0.4.0-preview.5, 0.4.1-preview
com.unity.physics@0.3 호환 가능 0.3.0-preview.1, 0.3.1-preview, 0.3.2-preview
com.unity.physics@0.2 호환 가능 0.2.0-preview, 0.2.2-preview, 0.2.3-preview, 0.2.4-preview, 0.2.5-preview, 0.2.5-preview.1
com.unity.physics@0.1 호환 가능 0.1.0-preview
com.unity.physics@0.0 호환 가능 0.0.1-preview.1, 0.0.2-preview.1


unity , 물리

Unity Logging
Unity Profiling Core API
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