Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어
스프라이트 셰이프 렌더러
Tilemap component reference

Create Tilemaps

Unity’s Tilemap system stores and handles Tile Assets for creating 2D levels, which makes it easy to create and iterate level design cycles within Unity. The Tilemap system transfers the required information from the Tiles placed on it to other related components such as the Tilemap Renderer and the Tilemap Collider 2D.

By default, the Tilemap package isn’t included in the Unity Editor, so you must download the 2D Tilemap Editor package from the Package Manager.

When you create a Tilemap, the Grid component is automatically parented to the Tilemap and acts as a guide when you lay out Tiles onto the Tilemap. To create, change, or pick the Tiles for painting onto a Tilemap, use the Tile Palette (menu: Window > 2D > Tile Palette) and its tools. For more information, refer to Creating a Tile Palette and Painting Tilemaps.

항목 설명
Tilemap component reference Refer to the properties of the Tilemap component.
Grid component reference Refer to the properties of the Grid component.
Tilemap Renderer component reference Refer to the properties of the Tilemap Renderer component.
Tile asset reference Refer to the properties of Tile assets.
Tile Palette preferences reference Refer to the properties of the Tile Palette component.
Tilemap workflow Follow the general workflow to create a Tilemap.
Hexagonal Tilemaps Create Hexagonal Tilemaps in your 2D project.
Isometric Tilemaps Create Isometric Tilemaps in your 2D project.
Scriptable Tiles Understand how to use the available classes for Scriptable Tiles.
Scriptable Brushes Understand how to use the available classes for Scriptable Brushes.
Tile Palette visual elements Learn which visual elements you can use to paint on Tilemaps.

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스프라이트 셰이프 렌더러
Tilemap component reference
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