Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어
Getting started with ChromeOS

요구 사항 및 호환성

Important: ChromeOS isn’t a supported Unity Editor platform.

Although ChromeOS development is very similar to Android, there are specific differences that you need to be aware of. Before you start to develop your application for ChromeOS, review the requirements, feature compatibility, and known issues specific to ChromeOS.

요구 사항

The system requirements for ChromeOS are similar to Android development. The only difference is that there are USB connection issues. To avoid these, you can connect the Unity Editor to a ChromeOS device over Wi-Fi/Ethernet.

Unity supports all brands of ChromeOS laptops, tablets, netbooks and desktops. Chromecast devices aren’t supported. Unity supports ChromeOS version R89 and later releases on the stable release channel. As with other platforms, you can use beta and development OS builds at your own discretion.


The following table describes the features that are supported when you’re developing applications for ChromeOS.

기능 호환성
x86 및 x86_64 아키텍처 Supported only for devices running ChromeOS. These architectures aren’t supported on Android devices with an Intel processor.
Both architectures support IL2CPP only. Mono isn’t supported.
Tiny 프로젝트 Not supported on ChromeOS x86 and x86–64 devices.
Havok 피직스(Unity 피직스 패키지에 포함) 지원되지 않음.
스크립트 디버깅 및 프로파일링 Android 디버그 브리지를 사용하는 경우에만 Wi-Fi 또는 이더넷을 통해 지원됩니다.
스크립트 전용 빌드 지원되지 않음.
Android Studio에서 프로파일링 및 디버깅 Supported only when your target device is in Developer Mode.
For more information, refer to the Chromium documentation.
Unity 비디오 플레이어 The H.264 video format is supported on ChromeOS devices. The H.265 video format isn’t supported.

알려진 문제

  • Applications that support auto-rotation across all orientations can suffer from several bugs. This includes the screen auto-rotating when it shouldn’t, and Unity setting the screen to the wrong resolution.
  • Non-resizable windows don’t behave properly on ChromeOS devices that have both clamshell and tablet modes. When in tablet mode, the app goes full-screen and never goes back to its original size, even when returning to clamshell mode.
Getting started with ChromeOS
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