When you build a project from Unity for Universal Windows Platform (UWP), Unity automatically generates a Visual Studio solution.
Unity generates a Visual Studio solution containing the following projects:
프로젝트 | 설명 |
projectName | Contains your main project code. Visual Studio builds this project into an application package, which you can deploy to a device or uploaded to the Microsoft Store. Note: Unity doesn’t overwrite this project when you build on top of it. |
Unity Data | Contains all the Unity-specific files you need to build your project, such as assets. |
Il2CppOutputProject | Contains the generated C++ code which Unity converts from managed assemblies. Note: This project is overwritten every time you build over it. |
Unity provides the following build configuration options in Visual Studio:
Configuration | 설명 |
Debug | Use Debug to debug your code. This configuration: - Disables all optimization. - Preserves all debugging information in the code. - Results in code that runs slowly. - Results in the fastest build time. |
Release | Use Release to profile your game. This configuration: - Enables code optimizations. |
Master | Use Master for game submission and final testing. This configuration: - Disables the profiler. - Results in the same build time as the Release configuration. - Results in the same build time as the Release configuration. |
MasterWithLTCG | Use MasterWithLTCG for game submission and final testing. This configuration: - Enables link time code generation for generated C++ code, IL2CPP runtime, and IL2CPP garbage collection. - Results in much longer build times compared to the Master configuration. - Results in an application that executes faster than the Master configuration. |