Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어



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Describes different types of camera.

The Unity Editor sets the type of a camera based on what it is used for. When selecting a model asset in the project the preview in the Inspector will be rendered with a camera that has the type Preview. A camera in the Scene Hierarchy will have the type Game. The preview window shown when selecting a camera in the Scene Hierarchy is a copy of the selected camera, and will therefore have the type Game as well.


GameUsed to indicate a regular in-game camera.
SceneViewUsed to indicate that a camera is used for rendering the Scene View in the Editor.
PreviewUsed to indicate a camera that is used for rendering previews in the Editor.
VRUsed to indicate that a camera is used for rendering VR (in edit mode) in the Editor.
ReflectionUsed to indicate a camera that is used for rendering reflection probes.
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