Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEngine

매뉴얼로 전환


Provides access to HDR display settings and information.

정적 변수

displaysThe list of currently connected displays with possible HDR availability.
mainThe HDROutputSettings for the main display.


activeDescribes whether HDR output is currently active on the display. It is true if this is the case, and @@false@ otherwise.
automaticHDRTonemappingDescribes whether Unity performs HDR tonemapping automatically.
availableDescribes whether HDR is currently available on your primary display and that you have HDR enabled in your Unity Project. It is true if this is the case, and false otherwise.
displayColorGamutThe ColorGamut used to output to the active HDR display.
formatThe RenderTextureFormat of the display buffer for the active HDR display.
graphicsFormatThe GraphicsFormat of the display buffer for the active HDR display.
HDRModeChangeRequestedDescribes whether the user has requested to change the HDR Output Mode. It is true if this is the case, and false otherwise.
maxFullFrameToneMapLuminanceMaximum input luminance at which gradation is preserved even when the entire screen is bright.
maxToneMapLuminanceMaximum input luminance at which gradation is preserved when 10% of the screen is bright.
minToneMapLuminanceMinimum input luminance at which gradation is identifiable.
paperWhiteNitsThe base luminance of a white paper surface in nits or candela per square meter (cd/m2).

Public 함수

RequestHDRModeChangeUse this function to request a change in the HDR Output Mode and in the value of
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