Version: 2023.2
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Create and manage overlay configurations
Create your own overlay

Cameras overlay

Use the Cameras overlay to take first-person control of cameras and manage cameras in the Scene view.

To display the Cameras overlay in the Scene view, enable it from the Overlays menu.

Select a camera

The Cameras overlay lists every GameObject with a Camera or Cinemachine Camera component in the open scene in a searchable dropdown list. When you select a camera in the Cameras overlay dropdown, a picture-in-picture preview of what the camera sees displays in the Cameras overlay.

Note: If you select a camera in the Cameras overlay dropdown list, the camera is not selected in the Hierarchy window.

Edit Camera component settings

In the Cameras overlay, select Open camera properties to configure the component settings of the camera selected in the Cameras overlay dropdown list. To learn more about camera component parameters, refer to Camera component and Setting Cinemachine Camera properties.

Control a camera

In the Cameras overlay, select Control a camera in first person to take first-person control of a camera. Refer to Control a camera in first person to learn more.

추가 리소스

Create and manage overlay configurations
Create your own overlay
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