Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine.Animations

매뉴얼로 전환


A BoundProperty is a safe handle to read and write value in a generic way from any Unity components.

정적 변수

NullAn empty BoundProperty object that does not refer to a property.


indexThe index of this BoundProperty to the internal list of bound properties.
versionThe version of the BoundProperty.

Public 함수

CompareToCompares this BoundProperty to a specific BoundProperty.
EqualsChecks if this BoundProperty equals a specified BoundProperty object.
GetHashCodeRetrieves a unique hash based on this BoundProperty.


operator !=BoundProperty objects are not equal if they refer to different properties.
operator ==BoundProperty objects are equal if they refer to the same property.
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