Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


Defines how a curve is attached to an object that it controls.


isDiscreteCurveReturns true if the binding is a discrete curve. Returns false otherwise. (Read Only)
isPPtrCurveReturns true if the binding is an object curve. Returns false otherwise (Read Only)
isSerializeReferenceCurveReturns true if the binding is to a curve that points to field on a SerializeReference instance. Returns false otherwise. (Read Only)
pathThe transform path of the object that is animated.
propertyNameThe name of the property to be animated.
typeThe type of the property to be animated.

정적 함수

DiscreteCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a curve where values should not be interpolated.
FloatCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a float curve.
PPtrCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a curve that points to an Object.
SerializeReferenceCurveCreates a preconfigured binding for a curve that points to a SerializeReference instance field.
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