Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
public static Rect RectField (Rect position, Rect value);
public static Rect RectField (Rect position, string label, Rect value);
public static Rect RectField (Rect position, GUIContent label, Rect value);


position Rectangle on the screen to use for the field.
label Optional label to display above the field.
value The value to edit.


Rect The value entered by the user.


Makes an X, Y, W, and H field for entering a Rect.

Rect field in an Editor Window.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

// Find all the cameras in the Scene and shows all their viewports togheter

class EditorGUIRectField : EditorWindow { Camera[] cameras;

[MenuItem("Examples/Editor GUI RectField usage")] static void Init() { var window = GetWindow<EditorGUIRectField>(); window.position = new Rect(0, 0, 150, 120); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(3, 3, position.width - 6, 20), "Update list")) cameras = FindObjectsOfType<Camera>();

if (cameras.Length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cameras.Length; i++) { cameras[i].rect = EditorGUI.RectField( new Rect(3, 25 + 45 * i, position.width - 6, 25), cameras[i].name, cameras[i].rect); } } } }


Makes an X, Y, W, and H for Rect using SerializedProperty (not public).

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