Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


Use the DefaultObject to create a new UnityEngine.Object in the editor.

The creation process handles Undo registration and applies default values from your project.

정적 함수

AddComponentCreates a new component and adds it to the specified GameObject.
CreateGameObjectCreates a new GameObject.
CreateInstanceCreate a new instance of the given type.
CreatePrimitiveCreates a GameObject primitive with Undo support. The created primitive will have any existing Preset applied to it, see Preset Manager.
PlaceGameObjectPlace the given GameObject in the Scene View using the same preferences as built-in Unity GameObjects.


componentWasAddedThis is invoked every time a new Component or MonoBehaviour is added to a GameObject using the ObjectFactory.
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