Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEditor

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Represents a list of Unity Object and DOTS Entity IDs that picking algorithms can either consider or discard.


ExcludeEntitiesAn array of DOTS Entity IDs that the picking algorithm doesn't consider when it selects the nearest object.
ExcludeRenderersAn array of GameObjects that the picking algorithm doesn't consider when it selects the nearest object.
IncludeEntitiesAn array of DOTS Entity IDs that the picking algorithm exclusively considers when it selects the nearest object. If this is null, Unity considers all DOTS Entities in open scenes for selection.
IncludeRenderersAn array of GameObjects that the picking algorithm exclusively considers when it selects the nearest object. If this is null, Unity considers all GameObjects in open scenes for selection.


PickingIncludeExcludeListConstruct a PickingIncludeExcludeList.

Public 함수

DisposeDispose all the Unity.Collections.NativeArray inside the struct.
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