Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static CoveredMethodStats[] GetStatsForAllCoveredMethods ();


CoveredMethodStats[] Array of coverage summaries.


Returns the coverage summary for all methods that have been called since either the Unity process was started or Coverage.ResetAll() has been called.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;

// A simple test class to get coverage information for. public class CoverageClass { public bool CoveredMethod1() { return true; }

public bool CoveredMethod2() { return false; } }

public class CoverageExample : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { // Reset coverage Coverage.ResetAll();

// Create an instance of the test class and call both test methods // to make sure the class has had some coverage. CoverageClass coverageClasss = new CoverageClass(); coverageClasss.CoveredMethod1(); coverageClasss.CoveredMethod2();

// Now get coverage statistics for all covered methods. Note that this // will return statistics for all methods that have executed since Coverage.ResetAll() // was last called, i.e. this method (CoverageExample.Start()), CoverageClass.CoveredMethod1(), // and CoverageClass.CoveredMethod2(). CoveredMethodStats[] stats = Coverage.GetStatsForAllCoveredMethods();

for (int i = 0; i < stats.Length; i++) { Debug.Log("Method Name: " + stats[i].method.ToString()); Debug.Log("Method has " + stats[i].totalSequencePoints + " sequence points"); int coveredSequencePoints = stats[i].totalSequencePoints - stats[i].uncoveredSequencePoints; Debug.Log("of which " + coveredSequencePoints + " were covered."); } } }
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