Version: 5.6


매뉴얼로 전환
public Networking.NetworkTransform.ClientMoveCallback2D clientMoveCallback2D ;


A callback that can be used to validate on the server, the movement of client authoritative objects.

This version of the callback works with objects that use 2D physics. The callback function may return false to reject the movement request completely. It may also modify the movement parameters - which are passed by reference.

The example below set the callback in OnStartServer, and will disconnect a client that moves an object into an invalid position after a number of failures.

class MyMover
    public int cheatCount = 0;

public bool ValidateMove(ref Vector2 position, ref Vector2 velocity, ref float rotation) { Debug.Log("pos:" + position); if (position.y > 9) { position.y = 9; cheatCount += 1; if (cheatCount == 10) { Invoke("DisconnectCheater", 0.1f); } }

return true; }

void DisconnectCheater() { Debug.LogError("Disconnecting cheater for movement violations " + netId); GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().connectionToClient.Disconnect(); }

public override void OnStartServer() { GetComponent<NetworkTransform>().clientMoveCallback2D = ValidateMove; } }

This kind of server-side movement validation should be used in conjunction with client side movement validation. The callback should only detect a failure if a client is by-passing client side movement checks - by cheating.

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