Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어
public static Networking.UnityWebRequest PostWwwForm (string uri, string form);
public static Networking.UnityWebRequest PostWwwForm (Uri uri, string form);


uri The target URI to which form data will be transmitted.
form An HTML form to send.


UnityWebRequest A UnityWebRequest configured to send form data to uri via POST.


Creates a UnityWebRequest configured to send form data to a server via HTTP POST.

This method creates a UnityWebRequest, sets the uri and sets the method to POST. The Content-Type header will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.

This method attaches a DownloadHandlerBuffer to the UnityWebRequest. This is for convenience, as we anticipate most users will use the DownloadHandler to check replies from the server, particularly in the case of REST APIs.

The string in the form parameter is expected to be a preformatted HTML form. It will be escaped and sent as UTF-8 string.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;

public class MyBehavior : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { StartCoroutine(Upload()); }

IEnumerator Upload() { using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.PostWwwForm("", "field1=1&field2=value2")) { yield return www.SendWebRequest();

if (www.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success) { Debug.Log(www.error); } else { Debug.Log("Form upload complete!"); } } } }
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