Version: 2017.1
Trail Renderer

Рендер линии (Line Renderer)

Line Renderer принимает массив из двух или более точек трехмерного пространства и последовательно рисует прямую линию между каждой парой точек (т.е. при 3 и более точках получится ломаная). Таким образом один рендер линии может быть использован для рисования чего угодно, начиная от простой прямой линии и заканчивая сложной спиралью. Линия всегда непрерывна; т.е. если вам нужно создать две или более независимых линий, то следует создать несколько GameObject’ов, а каждый GameObject будет содержать свой рендер линии.

Рендер линии рисует линию толщиной более одного пикселя. Рендер линии рисует полоску, которая имеет ширину и которая может быть текстурирована. Рендер использует тот же алгоритм рисования линии, что и рендер шлейфа.


Property Function
Cast Shadows Determines whether the line casts shadows, whether they should be cast from one or both sides of the line, or whether the line should only cast shadows and not otherwise be drawn. See Renderer.shadowCastingMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn more.
Receive Shadows If enabled, the line receives shadows.
Motion Vectors Select the Motion Vector type to use for this Line Renderer. See Renderer.motionVectorGenerationMode in the Scripting API reference documentation to learn more.
Materials These properties describe an array of Materials used for rendering the line. The line will be drawn once for each material in the array.
Light Parameters Reference a Lightmap Parameters Asset here to enable the line to interact with the global illumination system.
Positions Массив точек типа Vector3 для соединения в линию.
Use World Space If enabled, the points are considered as world space coordinates, instead of being subject to the transform of the GameObject to which this component is attached.
Loop Enable this to connect the first and last positions of the line. This forms a closed loop.
Width Define a width value and a curve to control the width of your line at various points between its start and end. The curve is only sampled at each vertex, so its accuracy is limited by the number of vertices present in your line. The overall width of the line is controlled by the width value.
Color Define a gradient to control the color of the line along its length.
Corner Vertices This property dictates how many extra vertices are used when drawing corners in a line. Increase this value to make the line corners appear rounder.
End Cap Vertices This property dictates how many extra vertices are used to create end caps on the line. Increase this value to make the line caps appear rounder.
Alignment Set to View to make the line face the Camera, or Local to align it based on the orientation of its Transform component.
Texture Mode Control how the Texture is applied to the line. Use Stretch to apply the Texture Map along the entire length of the line, or use Wrap to make the Texture repeat along the length of the line. Use the Tiling parameters in the Material to control the repeat rate.
Generate Lighting Data If enabled (the box is checked), the Line geometry is built with Normals and Tangents included. This allows it to use Materials that use the scene lighting, for example via the Standard Shader, or by using a custom shader.
Light Probes Probe-based lighting interpolation mode.
Reflection Probes If enabled and reflection probes are present in the Scene, a reflection Texture is picked for this Line Renderer and set as a built-in Shader uniform variable.


Для создания рендера линии:

  1. Выберете GameObject->Create Empty
  2. Выберете Component->Effects->Line Renderer
  3. Drag a Texture or Material onto the Line Renderer. It looks best if you use a Particle Shader in the Material.


  • Если вам нужно выложить все вершины в одном кадре, то лучше всего подойдет рендер линии.
  • The lines might appear to rotate as you move the Camera. This is intentional when Alignment is set to View. Set Alignment to Local to disable this.
  • Рендер линии должен быть единственным рендером на GameObject’е.

Line Renderer example setup

Trail Renderer
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