Version: 2017.1
Tizen FAQ
Features currently not supported by Unity Tizen

Tizen Player Settings

This page details the Player Settings specific to Tizen. A description of the general Player Settings can be found here.

Resolution And Presentation

Свойство: Функция:
Разрешение экрана
Default Orientation (This setting is shared between iOS, Android and Tizen devices)
Default Orientation The game’s screen orientation. The options are Portrait (home button at the bottom), Portrait Upside Down (home button at the top), Landscape Left (home button on the right side), Landscape Right (home button on the left side) and Auto Rotation (screen orientation changes with device orientation).
Use Animated Autorotation Should orientation changes animate the screen rotation rather than just switch? (Only visible when the Default Orientation is set to Auto Rotation.)
Допустимые направления для авто вращения (Only visible when the Default Orientation is set to Auto Rotation.)
Portrait Allow portrait orientation.
Portrait Upside Down Allow portrait upside down orientation.
Landscape Right Allow landscape right orientation (ie, home button on the left side).
Landscape Left Allow landscape left orientation (home button is on the right side).
Disable Depth and Stencil Should the depth and stencil buffers be disabled?


Свойство: Функция:
Override for Tizen Check if you want to assign a custom icon you would like to be used for your Tizen game.

Other Settings

Свойство: Функция:
Rendering Path The rendering path enabled for the game.
Строка состояния Set this to use Static batching on your build (enabled by default).
Dynamic Batching Set this to use Dynamic Batching on your build (enabled by default).
###Идентификатор бандлов The string used in your provisioning certificate from your Samsung Tizen Store account(This is shared between iOS, Android and Tizen)
Bundle Version Указывает номер версии сборки бандла, который также указывает на итерацию (выпущен или нет) сам бандл. Версия указывается в общем формате строки, содержащей цифры разделённые между собой точками (например 4.3.2).
Disable HW statistics Disables the application from sending hardware statistics to Unity (see the hwstats page for details).
Scripting Define Symbols Пользовательские флаги компиляции (обратитесь к странице [платформо-зависимая компиляция] для более подробной информации).
Api Compatibility Level Определяет активный .NET API профиль. См. ниже
        .Net 2.0 Библиотеки .Net 2.0. Максимальная совместимость с .net, самый большой размер файлов
        .Net 2.0 Subset Подмножество полной совместимости с .net, меньший размер файлов
Prebake Collision Meshes Should collision data be added to meshes at build time?
Preload Shaders Should shaders be loaded when the player starts up?
Preloaded Assets An array of assets to be loaded when the player starts up.
Stripping Level Options to strip out scripting features to reduce built player size(This setting is shared between iOS and Android Platforms)
        Disabled Без сокращения.
        Strip Assemblies Размер равный 1-му уровню сокращения.
        Strip ByteCode Размер равный 2-му уровню сокращения (включает сокращения с уровня 1).
        Use micro mscorlib Размер равный 3-му уровню сокращения (включает сокращения с уровня 1 и 2).
Vertex Compression Select whic vertex channels should be compressed. Compression can save memory and bandwidth but precision will be lower.
Optimize Mesh Data Удаляет все данные из мешей, которые не требуются применённым к ним материалам (касательные, нормали, цвета, UV-координаты).


Свойство: Функция:
Product Description A description of your application that is stored in the manifest and used in the Tizen Store.
Product URL The URL for your application that is stored in the manifest and used in the Tizen Store. If you do not have a website for your application you may leave this blank.
Signing Profile Name Set this to the name of the signing profile that you have set up in the Tizen IDE. (Window > Preferences > Tizen SDK > Security Profiles > Profiles). If you have not given your profile a name then use the word “default” (without quotes).
Capabilities Select any additional application capabilities that you may need. For example: Location service or any capabilities that are required for native plugins that have been included in your project.

API Compatibility Level

You can choose your mono api compatibility level for all targets. Sometimes a 3rd party .net dll will use things that are outside of the .net compatibility level that you would like to use. In order to understand what is going on in such cases, and how to best fix it, get “Reflector” on windows.

  1. Перетащите .net узлы для уровня API совместимости рассматриваемый в отношении отражателя (reflector). Их можно найти в Frameworks/Mono/lib/mono/YOURSUBSET/
  2. Также перетащите в вашу стороннюю сборку.
  3. Нажмите правой кнопкой на вашей сторонней библиотеке и выберите “Analyze”.
  4. В отчёте по анализу, проверьте секцию под названием “Depends on”. Всё что зависит от сторонней сборки, но доступно вам лишь на уровне совместимости .net, будет выделено там красным цветом.


Идентификатор бандлов

The Bundle Identifier string must match the provisioning profile of the game you are building. The basic structure of the identifier is com.CompanyName.GameName. This structure may vary internationally based on where you live, so always default to the string you set in the Tizen Seller Store.

Stripping Level

Most games don’t use all necessary dlls. With this option, you can strip out unused parts to reduce the size of the built player on Tizen devices. If your game is using classes that would normally be stripped out by the option you currently have selected, you’ll be presented with a Debug message when you make a build.

Tizen FAQ
Features currently not supported by Unity Tizen
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