Version: 2017.1


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public static bool ResetToPrefabState (Object obj);


Resets the properties of the component or game object to the parent prefab state.

All overrides will be cleared. However the transform.position and rotation of a root game object in a prefab instance will never be cleared.

// Try to set the selected GameObject to a prefab state

@MenuItem("Examples/Attempt to reset to prefab %r") static function Reset() { if(PrefabUtility.ResetToPrefabState(Selection.activeGameObject)) Debug.Log("Reseted to prefab state successfully!"); else Debug.LogError("Couldnt reset to a prefab state " +; }

@MenuItem("Examples/Attemp to reset to prefab %r", true) static function CheckReset() { return Selection.activeGameObject != null; }
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