Version: 2017.1


class in UnityEngine.VR.WSA.WebCam

Switch to Manual


Contains information captured from the web camera.

Information captured can include the image has well as spatial data.


dataLengthThe length of the raw IMFMediaBuffer which contains the image captured.
hasLocationDataSpecifies whether or not spatial data was captured.
pixelFormatThe raw image data pixel format.

Public Functions

CopyRawImageDataIntoBufferWill copy the raw IMFMediaBuffer image data into a byte list.
DisposeDisposes the PhotoCaptureFrame and any resources it uses.
GetUnsafePointerToBufferProvides a COM pointer to the native IMFMediaBuffer that contains the image data.
TryGetCameraToWorldMatrixThis method will return the camera to world matrix at the time the photo was captured if location data if available.
TryGetProjectionMatrixThis method will return the projection matrix at the time the photo was captured if location data if available.
UploadImageDataToTextureThis method will copy the captured image data into a user supplied texture for use in Unity.
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