Version: 2017.2


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public static Collider2D OverlapCapsule (Vector2 point, Vector2 size, CapsuleDirection2D direction, float angle, int layerMask= DefaultRaycastLayers, float minDepth= -Mathf.Infinity, float maxDepth= Mathf.Infinity);


point Center of the capsule.
size Size of the capsule.
direction Направление капсулы.
angle Angle of the capsule.
layerMask @param layerMask Фильтр для обнаружения коллайдеров только на определённых слоях.
minDepth @param minDepth Включает только объекты с координатой Z (глубиной) выше, чем это значение.
maxDepth @param maxDepth Включает только объекты с координатой Z (глубиной) меньше, чем это значение.


Collider2D The collider overlapping the capsule.


Checks if a collider falls within a capsule area.

The capsule is defined by its center coordinate in world space, its size, direction and angle. The optional layerMask allows the test to check only for objects on specific layers.

Although the Z axis is not relevant for rendering or collisions in 2D, you can use the minDepth and maxDepth parameters to filter objects based on their Z coordinate. If more than one collider falls within the capsule then the one returned will be the one with the lowest Z coordinate value. Null is returned if there are no colliders in the box.

See Also: OverlapCapsule, OverlapCapsuleAll, OverlapCapsuleNonAlloc.

public static int OverlapCapsule (Vector2 point, Vector2 size, CapsuleDirection2D direction, float angle, ContactFilter2D contactFilter, Collider2D[] results);


point Center of the capsule.
size Size of the capsule.
direction Направление капсулы.
angle Angle of the capsule.
contactFilter The contact filter used to filter the results differently, such as by layer mask, Z depth. Note that normal angle is not used for overlap testing.
results The array to receive results. The size of the array determines the maximum number of results that can be returned.


int Returns the number of results placed in the results array.


Checks if a collider falls within a capsule area.

The capsule is defined by its center coordinate in world space, its size, direction and angle.

This function returns the number of colliders found and places those colliders in the results array. The results can also be filtered by the contactFilter. Note that filtering by normal angle is not available for overlap functions.

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