Version: 2017.3
Documentation versions
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Switching between Unity versions in the documentation

The Unity Manual and Scripting API hold documentation for several versions of Unity. There are several ways to switch between versions.

Switch between the home pages of the two latest versions

You can switch between the two latest versions by clicking on the link at the top-left of every page, above the table of contents. These links always take you to the home page.

Example of the home page link at the top-left of every page
Example of the home page link at the top-left of every page

Switch versions and maintain the page

Version 5.6 and later

In Unity documentation versions from 5.6 onwards, you can look at an individual Unity documentation page and switch between the page versions using the Other Versions link on the right of every page.

The Other Versions link which maintains the page you are on
The Other Versions link which maintains the page you are on

Sometimes, you might get a 404 error when you switch over. This happens if the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist in that version of the Manual or Scripting API. This is often the case if the feature isn’t present in the corresponding version of Unity.

Version 5.5 and earlier

Documentation versions earlier than 5.6 do not have the Other Versions link.

To learn how to use a workaround for pre–5.6 documentation, follow these steps:

From the Manual or Scripting API home page, switch the version you are viewing using the home page link in the top-left corner of the page. Note that the structure of the URL changes. Each version has a specific URL:

Unity Manual

Destination URL
Standard URL
Version-specific URL (2017.2)
Version-specific URL (2017.1)
Version-specific URL (5.6)

Unity Scripting API

Destination URL
Standard URL
Version-specific URL (2017.2)
Version-specific URL (2017.1)
Version-specific URL (5.6)

Now, navigate the Manual and Scripting API as usual. If you want to switch between versions, change the number in the URL to reflect which version you wish to view. This workaround works for all currently published versions of the documentation.

Sometimes, you might get a 404 error when you switch over. This happens if the page you’re looking for doesn’t exist in that version of the Manual or Scripting API. This is often the case if the feature isn’t present in the corresponding version of Unity.

  • 2017–07–07 Page amended with editorial review
  • Documentation Other Versions switcher added in 5.6
Documentation versions
Offline documentation
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