Version: 2017.4
Licenses and Activation
Offline / Manual Activation

Online Activation

Онлайн активация - самый простой и быстрый способ получить и запустить Unity. Она пошагово описывается ниже.

  1. Скачайте и установите редактор Unity. Последняя его версия здесь.

  2. Запустить редактор из папки Applications (OS X) или через ярлык в меню Start (Windows)

  3. Firstly, you will encounter the ‘Unity Account’ window. Here you will need to enter your Unity Developer Network, Google or Facebook account credentials. (If you don’t have an existing Unity account or have forgotten your password, simply click the respective ‘create one’ and ‘Forgot your password?’ links. Follow the onscreen prompts to create or retrieve your account.) Once your credentials are entered, you can proceed by clicking ‘Sign in’.

  4. You will be faced with a window titled ‘License management’. Select the version of Unity you wish to activate and click ‘Next’.

  5. You will now be able to proceed to the Unity Editor by clicking the ‘Start using Unity’ button.

Для получения дальнейшей помощи свяжитесь с нами

  • 2017–09–06 Page amended with limited editorial review
  • License activation updated in Unity 2017.2
Licenses and Activation
Offline / Manual Activation
Copyright © 2023 Unity Technologies
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"Unity"、Unity 徽标及其他 Unity 商标是 Unity Technologies 或其附属机构在美国及其他地区的商标或注册商标。其他名称或品牌是其各自所有者的商标。