
struct in UnityEngine

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JointLimits, используемые HingeJoint для ограничения угла сустава.

See Also: HingeJoint.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { HingeJoint hinge = GetComponent<HingeJoint>(); JointLimits limits = hinge.limits; limits.min = 0; limits.max = 90; limits.bounciness = 0; limits.bounceMinVelocity = 0; hinge.limits = limits; } }


bounceMinVelocityThe minimum impact velocity which will cause the joint to bounce.
bouncinessDetermines the size of the bounce when the joint hits it's limit. Also known as restitution.
contactDistanceDistance inside the limit value at which the limit will be considered to be active by the solver.
maxВерхний предел сустава.
minНижний предел сустава.
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