Version: 2018.2


struct in UnityEditor.Build.Content

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Struct containing settings that control the compression method of content.

Note: this struct and its members exist to provide low-level support for the Scriptable Build Pipeline package. This is intended for internal use only; use the Scriptable Build Pipeline package to implement a fully featured build pipeline. You can install this via the Unity Package Manager.

Static Variables

DefaultLZ4Returns a BuildCompression struct set with the default values used for Lz4HC compression.
DefaultLZMAReturns a BuildCompression struct set with the default values used for LZMA compression.
DefaultUncompressedReturns a BuildCompression struct set with the default values used for uncompressed.


blockSizeBlock size to use for chunk based compression.
compressionCompression type to use.
levelCompression level to use.
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