Version: 2018.2


class in UnityEditor

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Атрибут DrawGizmo разрешает вам применять визуализацию с помощью гизмо для любого Component.

The renderer function must be static, and take two parameters: the object for which the gizmo is being drawn, and a GizmoType parameter which indicates the context in which the gizmo is being drawn.

The renderer function can be defined in any class, including editor scripts. This allows you to keep your gizmo-drawing code out of your component scripts so that it is not included in builds.

See Also: GizmoType.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour { }

// The icon has to be stored in Assets/Gizmos

public class MyScriptGizmoDrawer { [DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.Active)] static void DrawGizmoForMyScript(MyScript scr, GizmoType gizmoType) { Vector3 position = scr.transform.position;

if (Vector3.Distance(position, Camera.current.transform.position) > 10f) Gizmos.DrawIcon(position, "MyScript Gizmo.tiff"); } }


DrawGizmoОпределяет, когда гизмо должен быть вызван для отрисовки.
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