Version: 2018.2



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Overrides the global Physics.queriesHitTriggers.

Overrides the global Physics.queriesHitTriggers to specify whether queries (raycasts, spherecasts, overlap tests, etc.) hit Triggers by default. Use Ignore for queries to ignore trigger Colliders.

//Create two GameObjects (e.g. a Cube) and place them near each other. Attach this script to one of them.
//Click on the GameObject with the script. Attach the other GameObject to the “My Game Object” field in the Inspector.
//Make sure both have Collider components
//Choose your own “Max Distance” in the Inspector (e.g. 600).

//This script casts a ray that ignores Trigger Colliders. //Press space to switch the second GameObject between a Trigger and non-Trigger GameObject. When the Trigger is off, the ray detects a collision. When it is on, no collisions occur.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { //The maximum distance from your GameObject. Make sure to set this in the Inspector public float m_MaxDistance; public LayerMask m_Mask = -1;

//Assign a GameObject in the Inspector that you want to test collisions with public GameObject m_MyGameObject; //This is the Collider of the GameObject you assign in the Inspector Collider m_OtherGameObjectCollider;

void Start() { //Fetch the Collider from the GameObject you assign in the Inspector m_OtherGameObjectCollider = m_MyGameObject.GetComponent<Collider>(); }

void FixedUpdate() { //Set the direction as forward Vector3 direction = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

//Use Physics to calculate the raycast //Uses your GameObject's original position, the direction (above), the max distance from your GameObject, and the LayerMask value to calculate raycast. //Also tells it to ignore trigger colliders using QueryTriggerInteraction if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, direction, m_MaxDistance, m_Mask.value, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) print("There is something in front of the object!"); }

void Update() { //Press space to turn the other GameObject's trigger status on and off if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { //Test if the trigger collisions are ignored by turning the GameObject's trigger collider on and off m_OtherGameObjectCollider.isTrigger = !m_OtherGameObjectCollider.isTrigger; } } }


UseGlobalQueries use the global Physics.queriesHitTriggers setting.
IgnoreQueries never report Trigger hits.
CollideQueries always report Trigger hits.
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